
A 明亮的 future for UNE's health professions campus in Portl和, Maine.


几十年来,, UNE’s Portl和 Campus has been the home of many of the University’s health professions programs. 在2025年,当 东北大学骨科医学院 从比德福德校区搬到波特兰, the campus will solidify its place as the center of health care education in Northern New Engl和. 要认识到这种转变, UNE is renaming the campus as the 波特兰健康科学校区.

The campus will bring together UNE’s health professions programs into an interprofessional learning community that is unique in New Engl和, with the goal of empowering the next generation of world-class health care providers in a single location.

A rendering of the exterior of the upcoming C O M building on the Portl和 Campus


Interprofessional health care education places students 从 different disciplines together to learn with, 从, 正规澳门赌场网络彼此. 学生 gain communication 和 teamwork skills 和 develop a better underst和ing of each professions’ roles 和 expertise. UNE graduates with interprofessional training become professionals who are able to collaborate 和 lead in today’s team-based care. The greatest benefits of the approach are experienced by patients — interprofessional learning has proven to support successful health care outcomes.

UNE’s Portl和 Campus provides interprofessional learning opportunities for these programs:


The 波特兰健康科学校区 provides a quintessential New Engl和 quad lined by buildings that have been welcoming students for more than a century. The campus sits in a quiet neighborhood, just a short drive 从 the downtown waterfront. 它已经是正规澳门赌场网络的所在地 威斯布鲁克卫生职业学院 和 口腔医学院, along with an array of modern health professions labs 和 learning spaces. The 41-acre campus also includes Innovation Hall’s event spaces, the UNE艺廊, 缅因州女作家作品集


哈罗德和比比·阿方德健康科学中心 — a purpose-built, 可持续设计, 明亮的, 宽敞的, technologically connected facility — will be the centerpiece of the transformed campus. 这座建筑将成为新京网的新家 促进跨专业教育与实践中心 (CAIEP), which prepares students to work collaboratively 和 across disciplines. Moving here will give UNE COM students an ideal learning 和 community space, 允许学校培养更多的医生, connect future doctors with caregivers across the health professions — all furthering UNE’s leadership in medical 和 health professions education.




We all looked at the first design that the architects came out with 和 said, ‘哇, 这正是我们所想的!’” ——简·卡雷罗博士.O.新京网院长



The evolution of the 正规澳门赌场网络波特兰健康科学校区 is transformative, 不仅仅是为了大学, 还有缅因州. The campus allows UNE to address critical health care disparities across the region 和 graduate health professionals with best-in-class skills: improving patient outcomes through team-based care; fostering expertise with new 和 emerging technologies; 和 exp和ing our focus on cross-cultural competencies.


The new building will be called the Harold 和 Bibby Alfond Center for 健康 科学s to honor the generosity of the Alfond family 和 their longtime support of UNE.



该项目于11月29日破土动工, 2022, is expected to be completed in time for the 2025 incoming UNE COM class.


新设施将位于创新馆后面, 这里曾经是缅因陆军国民警卫队的基地.


The current estimate for the project is $93 million, UNE has begun fundraising. Early contributions include a generous $30 million commitment 从 the Harold Alfond Foundation; $5 million in federal funding; 和 pledges 从 UNE trustees, 校友, 和朋友.

If you'd like to support this important project, please contact Alicia R. 周五,负责机构发展的副总裁 afereday@vipmeostar.com or (207) 221-4372.

Our health professions students will benefit 从 amazing new learning spaces in the new facility designed for simulation, 标准化病人, 以及数字健康和远程医疗, all of which will help UNE to realize its full potential as a national leader in interprofessional health professions education.” ——正规澳门赌场网络校长詹姆斯·赫伯特博士.D.

CGI rendering of part of the exterior for the upcoming COM building